Transportation and Logistics

Transportation and LogisticsTransportation and logistics services are currently the fastest growing sector. This field utilizes large networks operating over wide areas, so wireless communication systems are in high demand.

Main application samples:

  • Meteorological measurements on roads
  • Traffic density monitoring
  • Camera systems
  • Road infrastructure monitoring – traffic signs, crossroads, tunnels
  • Parking machines, guidance systems, information boards
  • Railway cars – trolley lines exchange stations
  • Waste processing and management systems
  • Vehicle tracking and status monitoring

Selected references

Ředitelství silnic a dálnic ČR – GPRS network for data collection from meteorological measurements done on roads throughout the Czech Republic ELTODO, a.s. – GPRS network used for the monitoring and management of public lighting devices, GPRS network for crossroads monitoring equipped with traffic lights Technická správa komunikací hlavního mĕsta Prahy – radio network used for an emergency parking lot guidance system, meteorological measurements and the monitoring of crossroads in Prague Přenos obrazu z kamer dopravních systémů – Czech Republic, Sweden, Finland, Norway, the Netherlands… Fleetware – a system for real time vehicle tracking and monitoring, more information at and